Stories about Scott

It is hard to put into words what is in my heart because I am so heartbroken. For a mother to lose a child, no matter what his age, is a pain I could never have imagined. Scott was a joy! When Scott was younger he loved making up games to play outside. Dodgeball on the trampoline with a tennis ball. Hands up stands up, when we went swimming. Backyard football with just mom and Scott. You left me beautiful memories and will remain forever in my heart.

I love you always, Mom

Marilyn Patterson | Mother

I miss you so much; I miss that we will not have another family get together with you, another planning of a trip, us there, or you here. I miss the announcement of your engagement and wedding plans, the announcement of the arrival of your first baby, all of the so many firsts never to be experienced. I miss hearing your voice on the phone…knowing you are only a call away. I treasure each and every one of your memories Scott, memories that will be cherished and carried with me every single day until we meet again.

- Lisa Phillips | Stepmother and friend

As I reflect over the events of the past couple weeks, I never thought that one of my children would leave this earth before I did. Wow, what a wake-up call that is to the parent of a child that they love so dearly. 10 days later, not knowing exactly what happened to Scott is still very frustrating, but I know that will not bring him back. To celebrate his life and legacy is the best path for me and my family.

Scott was the youngest of four children, who was always loved and protected by his siblings. We learned very early in Scott’s life that he was a very strong person. The events around his retinal blastoma, and going through all those things before he even knew what it was, was very trying and very sad to watch. Thank God that everything went well, and he did not suffer from any further effects other than losing his right eye before the age of two. I recall as though it was day I took Scott to the Doctor to check out what we thought was a "lazy eye", only to find out that it was so much more. I remember he was so scared and he did not want to let go of me at any time, but Scott being a trooper, he came through with flying colors.

We continued learning over the coming years that he was a very strong young man, he never let a disability stand in his way. He was active in life and loved hanging out with his older brothers and sister; wherever they were Scott was right there with them! He loved sports as a young boy and loved to play basketball, baseball, and football later in his teenage years. I am so proud as his father that he was so successful in everything that he did due to his perseverance and kind spirit. Later in his life he leaned to play golf and he always looked forward to teeing it up with me, Kevin and Austin. We had been on a golf trip in April and he loved being with his brothers.

I spent some time with Scott's boss and some of his co-workers at the printing company while in Texas following Scott's passing, and they all adored and loved Scott! In talking to his boss, Scott was revered as a servant leader and someone that could always be counted on. She always challenged him to learn new things, and even though out of his comfort zone, he jumped in and flourished. After also meeting with a couple of Scott's production workers while at the plant, I learned how much they loved and adored him, as though he was their son. That visit reassured my heart that Scott was very well taken care of by so many who cared so deeply for him.

Scott had dear friends in Chicago and Texas, who are all hurting as well. He became very close with Kevin Lamb the past few years, and had also found the love of his life in Peyton, and seemed so happy to have Peyton in his life.

Just a few of the many things I will always remember about Scott is that he was so happy for the most part, and always respectful and kind to those around him. That cute smile and infectious giggle will be an everlasting memory of Scott. If you have never had a "shiver, shiver" from Scott, you have truly missed out.

I know we will never be able to fill this void that is left from his spirit not being here with us, but I know in my heart of hearts that he is in a much better place. I know there was a celebration with our father in heaven and those who have passed before! I often think that Scott was too good for this world and God needed him back at home to help with the work on the other side.

Many thanks to all those that have reached out to me and our family during these difficult times, the endless prayers and kind thoughts have helped us so much through this time.

Gods speed,

Sheldon Phillips - Father and friend

Scott and I met playing basketball at the rec center when he first moved to Yorkville. He fit right in with our group of friends with his smart off the cuff humor and his love for sports, rap music, and making fun of people. We had a lot of fun playing heartland ball, going to 4 lakes snowboarding, going to a few concerts together, and trying to get Scott to come to parties but he knew they were lame and fake so he didn’t want to waste his time. He always valued his time and energy and wouldn’t waste it on people he didn’t care about. He was a good soul. Scott will be missed greatly, and I hope all of Scott’s family and other loved ones let his sense of humor and his memories live on. He gave me quality condolences when my mom passed so that’s what I’ll do for him as well. May Scott rest in peace he will never be forgotten.

- Peter Staunton | Friend

Being the youngest uncle to Michelle, Kevin, Austin and Scott it felt like a bunch of cousins more than nephews and nieces. I remember having big sleepovers in Alpine and we would line up a bunch or mattresses and sleep in a big row and cause havoc all night long. Scott was a littlest and with his eye we always were (tried to be ;)) careful around him but I just remember how nice and fun he was. He was always up for anything. I love you Scott and will miss you until we meet again. Love Uncle Russell

- Russell Holley | Uncle

Grandma Marlene and her mother (Lillian), Kevin, Austin, and Michelle were driving up to Salt Lake to see Scott as a new born baby in the hospital. He was a beautiful baby boy and it was so exciting to see him for the first time! I was impressed by how good a mother Marilyn was!

On the way home, one of the kids made a funny comment ( I think it was Kevin). "Can you give babies back?" Of course we all laughed! I think Kevin was jealous of all the attention and time Scott was getting. As we continued to drive home, Scott's great grandmother (Lillian Bradford Hales) told us that Scott appeared to her the night before he was born in spirit. She said that she new it was him!

Scott was an amazing Grandson! On Christmas Day 2022 Scott called me and Jim and he talked with us for over 20 min! He was so thoughtful and kind. We'll always love you Scott! We were lucky to be your Grandparents! Until we meet again! We love you!

- Marlene & Jim Holley | Grandparents

Scottie was my best friend and I have so many wonderful memories of the happiness and laughter he brought into my life. When we were little, he would go everywhere with me and I loved it. We learned so many things from each other growing up, and although we always moved around or lived apart as we got older, talking to him always felt just like home. He loved to joke around, but was the most caring and thoughtful soul. He made the most of every moment and was the best to be around. I adored him and can’t imagine what it is going to be like without him. I am going to miss him forever.

- Michelle Geneser | Sister

My sunshine, my best friend, the love of my life,

You were the best person. No one compares. You were the silliest and sweetest person ever. You were so smart and hardworking. You were loving of your family and friends. You were unknowingly the cutest. You were the kindest and most thoughtful. You were intuitive and caring. You were the funniest and goofiest. You're laugh was contagious. Your kindness was inspirational.

We taught each other so much. We had each other through thick and thin. We could come home to a phenomenal hug & not say anything when days were rough. We pushed one another foward. We were there for one another through so much and brought each other up everytime. We could conquer all when we had each other.

I miss you. I miss everything.
I love that people thought we were weird because of how hard we laughed together.
I love you and always will.
I miss dancing around the apartment with you. I miss jumping in the rain, reenacting titanic, holding hands while riding roller coasters, and being competitive with you. You were the best part of everyday.

I never realized how much I needed YOU in my life until I met you. I cherish every moment we had. We planned on growing old hand in hand together, still laughing and looking at each other lovingly. It's so hard without you but I'm so greatful that I was lucky enough to have you in my life. You will always be a large part of my heart. You were my person. You are my person.

I love you forever and always.

- Peyton Elliott | Partner